Day seven

We were promised a 28 degree day but instead we received a moderately cold start in the morning, a bit of wind, very thick mist and then finally, the sun managed to find its way through the clouds.

The trusses needed more reinforcement after which they were hoisted up one by one and fitted on the walls. This was a team effort as these structures are heavy and must be lifted quite high. Then the distance between them, as well as the alignment, had to be carefully measured before they could be fixed to the walls. Within a three hour spell, the house had a skeletal roof and the picture that we have all carried in our minds of the house, emerged as the day progressed.

Unfortunately, there was some very technical work still needed to be done which could only be carried out by the beaks and Mr Smith on top of the roof. We could finely say that the trusses were in place and fitted properly by sunset.

The drain was built by 4 pm and the three boys dedicated to this heavy duty task had a welcomed break. Cement, mortar and concrete mixing all carried on as the six days preceded today. Boys and workmen tackled the plastering of the inside walls and finished one room completely.

More trench digging was needed and this time it was aimed at connecting the trench to the drain. The boys involved came across massive rocks and had to remove this before proceeding.

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